Justin C. Havird
Underlined names indicate undergraduate authors throughout
Click on titles for links and contact me for reprints
34. Hill GE, Havird JC, Sloan DB, Burton RS, Greening C, Dowling DK. Assessing the fitness consequences of mitonuclear interactions in natural populations. Available online at Biological Reviews.
33. Sloan DB, Warren J, Abdel-Ghany S, Chicco A, Williams A, Wu Z, Havird JC. 2018. Cytonuclear integration and coevolution. Nature Reviews Genetics 19: 635-648.
32. Hoffman SK, Seitz KW, Havird JC, Weese DA, Santos SR. 2018. Seasonal influences on diversity and community structure of Bacteria and micro-Eukarya from the Hawaiian anchialine ecosystem. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 82: 87-104.
31. Hoffman SK, Seitz KW, Havird JC, Weese DA, Santos SR. 2018. Diversity and the environmental drivers of spatial variation in Bacteria and micro-Eukarya communities from the Hawaiian anchialine ecosystem. Hydrobiologia 806:265-282.
30. Sharbrough J*, Havird JC*, Noe GR, Warren JM, Sloan DB. 2017. The mitonuclear dimension of Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestry in modern human genomes. Genome Biology and Evolution 9:1567-1581. *these authors contributed equally to this work
29. Havird JC, Trapp P, Miller C, Bazos I, Sloan DB. 2017. Causes and consequences of rapidly evolving mtDNA in a plant lineage. Genome Biology and Evolution 9:323-336.
28. Sloan DB, Havird JC, Sharborough J. 2017. The on-again, off-again relationship between mitochondrial genomes and species boundaries. Molecular Ecology 26:2212-2236.
27. Rockenbach K, Havird JC, Monroe JG, Triant DA, Taylor DR, Sloan DB. 2016. Positive selection in rapidly evolving plastid-nuclear enzyme complexes. Genetics 204:1507-1522.
26. Havird JC, Sloan DB. 2016. The roles of mutation, selection, and expression in determining relative rates of evolution in mitochondrial vs. nuclear genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33:3042-3053.
25. Havird JC, Santos SR. 2016. Here we are, but where do we go? A systematic review of crustacean transcriptomic studies from 2014-2015. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56:1055-1066.
24. Havird JC, Santos SR. 2016. Developmental transcriptomics of the Hawaiian anchialine shrimp Halocaridina rubra Holthuis, 1963 (Crustacea: Atyidae). Integrative and Comparative Biology 56:1170-1182. *Featured cover article.
23. Havird JC, Mitchell RT, Henry RP, Santos SR. 2016. Salinity-induced changes in gene expression from anterior and posterior gills of Callinectes sapidus (Crustacea: Portunidae) with implications for crustacean ecological genomics. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics 19:34-44.
22. Havird JC, Fitzpatrick SW, Kronenberger JA, Angeloni LM, Funk WC, Sloan DB. 2016. Sex, mitochondria, and genetic rescue. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31:96-99.
21. Havird JC, Whitehill NS, Snow CD, Sloan DB. 2015. Conservative and compensatory evolution in oxidative phosphorylation complexes of angiosperms with highly divergent rates of mitochondrial genome evolution. Evolution 69:3069-3081.
20. Havird JC, Vaught RC, Weese DA, Santos SR. 2015. Reproduction and development in Halocaridina rubra (Crustacea: Atyidae) clarifies larval ecology in the Hawaiian anchialine ecosystem. Biological Bulletin 229:134-142.
19. Sloan DB, Fields PD, Havird JC. 2015. Mitonuclear linkage disequilibrium in human populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282:20151704.
18. Havird JC, Hall M, Dowling DK. 2015. The evolution of sex: A new hypothesis based on mitochondrial mutational erosion. BioEssays 37:951-958.
17. Havird JC, Kocot KM, Brannock PM, Cannon JT, Waits DS, Weese DA, Santos SR, Halanych KM. Reconstruction of cyclooxygenase evolution in animals suggests variable, lineage-specific duplications and homologs with low sequence identity. Journal of Molecular Evolution 80:193-208.
16. Havird JC, Henry RP, Fujita Y, Hidaka M, Santos SR. Taking their breath away: Metabolic adaptations to low-oxygen levels in anchialine shrimps (Crustacea: Atyidae and Alpheidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology 178:109-120.
15. Havird JC, Santos SR. Transcriptomic resources for five shrimp (Crustacea: Atyidae and Alpheidae) species from the anchialine ecosystem. Molecular Ecology Resources 14:1322.
14. Vaught RC, Havird JC, Santos SR. Genetic lineage and environmental conditions as drivers of chromatosome variation in the anchialine shrimp Halocaridina rubra Holthuis 1963 (Atyidae: Decapoda). Journal of Crustacean Biology 34:647-657.
13. Havird JC, Henry RP, Santos SR. 2014. Osmoregulatory adaptations in the Hawaiian anchialine shrimp Halocaridina rubra (Crustacea: Atyidae): expression of ion transporters, mitochondria-rich cell proliferation, and hemolymph osmolality during salinity transfers. Journal of Experimental Biology 217:2309-2320.
12. Havird JC, Santos SR. 2014. Performance of single and concatenated sets of mitochondrial genes at inferring metazoan relationships relative to full mitogenome data. PLoS One 9:e84080.
11. Havird JC, Weeks JR, Hau S, Santos SR. 2013. Invasive species in the Hawaiian anchialine ecosystem: investigating potential predation on endemic organisms. Hydrobiologia 716:189-201. *Featured cover article
10. Havird JC, Henry RP, Wilson AE. 2013. Altered expression of Na+/K+-ATPase and other osmoregulatory genes in the gills of euryhaline animals in response to salinity transfer: A meta-analysis of 59 quantitative PCR studies over 10 years. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics 8:131-140.
9. Parker JK, Havird JC, De La Fuente L. 2012. Differentiation of Xylella fastidiosa strains via multi-locus sequence analysis of environmentally-mediated genes (MLSA-E). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76:1385–1396.
8. Havird JC, Parker JK, Connery B. 2011. Fishes of the Streams of Acadia National Park, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 18:217–228.
7. Havird JC, Tangjitjaroen W, Vidthayanon C, Grudpan C, Udduang S, Page LM. 2010. A new species of Lepidocephalichthys with a highly distinctive lamina circularis and comments on sexual dimorphism and relationships in southern lineages of Cobitidae. Zootaxa 2557:1–18. *Most accessed Zootaxa paper during August 2010.
6. Havird JC, Miyamoto MM. 2010. The importance of taxon sampling in genomic studies: An example from the cyclooxygenases of teleost fishes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 56:451–455.
5. Havird JC, Page LM. 2010. A revision of Lepidocephalichthys (Teleostei: Cobitidae) with descriptions of two new species from Thailand and Myanmar. Copeia 2010(1):137–159.
4. Havird JC, Miyamoto MM, Choe KP, Evans DH. 2008. Gene duplications and losses within the cyclooxygenase family of teleosts and other chordates. Molecular Biology and Evolution 25:2349–59.
3. Claiborne JB, Choe KP, Morrison–Shetlar AI, Weakley JC, Havird J, Freiji A, Evans DH, Edwards SL. 2008. Molecular detection and immunological localization of gill Na+/H+ exchanger in the dogfish (Squalus acanthias). American Journal of Physiology 294:R1092–R1102.
2. Hyndman KA, Choe KP, Havird JC, Rose RE, Piermarini PM, Evans DH. 2006. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the gill of the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 144B:510–9.
1. Choe KP, Havird J, Rose RE, Hyndman KH, Piermarini P, Evans DH. 2006. COX2 in a euryhaline teleost, Fundulus heteroclitus: primary sequence, distribution, localization, and potential function in gills during salinity acclimation. Journal of Experimental Biology 209(9):1696–708.
Short communications/Other publications
10. Havird JC. 2016. Zombified caterpillars forced to carb-load by parasitoid wasps. Newswise Press Release for Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.
9. Havird JC. 2015. It takes two… but why? Blame an ancient hook-up. New Scientist 19 September 2015: 28-29.
8. Havird JC. 2015. Being a couch potato could have led to marital bliss in mantis shrimps. Newswise Press Release for Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.
7. Havird JC. 2014. Vertebrate reproductive evolution is laid bare by the ever-erect, spring-loaded alligator penis. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology: Science News (journalism piece; http://www.sicb.org/students/havirdj.php)
6. Havird JC. 2008. Freshwater fishes of Sumatra: from rivers to research. Tropical Fish Hobbyist. April 2008:104–110 (not peer reviewed).
5. Havird JC, Choe KP, Evans DH. 2007. Expression of cyclooxygenase in the killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) and longhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus). Bulletin Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory 46:45–46.
4. Havird JC, Choe KP, Evans DH. 2007. Phylogenetic analysis reveals at least 3 duplications of cyclooxygenase in the chordates. Bulletin Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory 46:43–44.
3. Havird JC, Choe KP, Evans DH. 2006. The evolution of Cyclooxygenase in ancestral chordates. Bulletin Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory 45:33–34.
2. Havird JC, Galardi-Este O, Kreh RL, Choe KP, Evans DH. 2006. The gill of the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, expresses two different EP1 receptors. Bulletin Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory 45:35–36.
1. Choe KP, Havird JC, Claiborne JB, Evans DH. 2005. Branchial expression of COX–2, nNOS and transporters following rapid transfer of Fundulus heteroclitus from fresh water to seawater. Bulletin Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory 44:57–58.

Havird and Santos 2016 featured on the cover of Integrative and Comparative Biology